Dr. Nicole Lewis, ND

Dr. Nicole Lewis, ND

  • SpecialtyNaturopathic Doctor

Dr. Nicole Lewis, ND

Dr. Nicole Lewis ND is a passionate and licensed naturopathic doctor, specializing in functional medicine. Her journey at Wholeness began in 2015, with a special focus on pediatrics and mental health. Driven by her background in biochemistry, she delved into the fascinating world of epigenetics and its profound influence on mental well-being.

Embracing her love for learning, Dr. Nicole sought further knowledge and training, becoming a certified Naturopathic Doula and certified pre and postnatal coach in 2018, just before the birth of her second child. Today, she provides expert Naturopathic pre and postnatal care, offering integrative fertility support and hormone balancing to her patients.

With an insatiable curiosity, Dr. Nicole dedicates her “extra time” to in-depth research and continuing education. Her goal is to expand the toolbox of healing modalities used to support her patients’ well-being fully. Alongside her impressive achievements, she is also a co-creator of the Wholeness Academy, actively contributing to empowering others in their health journey.

At the core of Dr. Nicole’s practice is a deep understanding that the body possesses an innate drive to move toward healing. She works collaboratively with her patients, meeting them where they are and empowering them to take the next steps on their path to wellness.

Her areas of expertise span a wide range, including mental health disorders, pediatric developmental disorders, thyroid disorders (hyperthyroid/hypothyroid/Hashimotos), digestive disorders (SIBO/candida/IBS), pre- and post-natal health, female hormones (PMS/PMDD/PCOS), fertility, and the fascinating field of epigenetics.

With Dr. Nicole Lewis as their guide, patients can expect a compassionate and dedicated healer who truly sees them as individuals. Through a personalized approach to care, she identifies and removes obstacles to healing, guiding her patients on a journey of holistic well-being and renewed vitality.